i love these, you gotta make more
the only suggestion i could make was maybe the deaths could be a little better like executed or something, like in the first one i love when he pulled Squidwards nose off(i watched it like 7 times) but like it would have been cooler if we could have seen SpongeBob kill Sandy and Patrick after he destroyed thier houses. or maybe you could like have for the next one, SpongeBob releases a swarm of poisious jelly fish into Planktons resturaunt and the could sting him and his customers to death.
and you still have a couple more characters to kill: Plankton, Pearl, Sponge Bob's Teacher, Larry the Lobster, and you could have him kill patrick and sandy again since we don'y really know what happened to them after thier houses were destroyed
keep up the great work and i'll keep voting high scores